Clear negative influences which ARE causing your problems.
Clear your nagging problems or life-consuming problems.
Clear problems such as…
Experience the miraculous clearing of aches
and chronic pain.
Join 1000’s worldwide who have experienced miraculous shifts in their
Health, Relationships, Behavior and Success.
Using the amazing
B&C Miracle Method ©
The B&C Miracle Method ©
No Medications.
No Therapy.
No Meditations.
No Rituals.
All that’s needed is your input and our amazing process.
Works on you, wherever you are in the world.
Even if you do not believe in miracles.
The basic principle of The B&C Miracle Method ©.
Using ENERGY to quickly clear negative charges in our Energy Field causing our problems.
That’s the magic.
Just identify your problem.
Let your B&C Miracle Method © practitioner remotely scan your Energy Field and clear the active negative charges triggering your problem.
Experience profound shifts in your life.
It’s simple.
It’s miraculous.
1000’s are raving about it.
The secret behind the B&C Miracle Method © is the use of 4 powerful techniques distilled from the best known Energy Healing Modalities known to us.
- Using the power of focused intention.
- Tapping into the power of one’s Super Conscious state of being.
- Using the latest advances in Quantum Sciences to transform energies.
- Delivering the results to anyone, anywhere through the Universal Consciousness connecting us all.
How does it work ?
The B&C Miracle Method © is a revolutionary energy transformation technique that works directly on the Human Energy Field.
3 fundamental principles behind this technique:
Its impact on our lives
From Quantum Physics, we know that all MATTER is ENERGY.
Every single cell in our body is made of matter which is essentially energy, composed of positive, negative and neutral charges.
From Bioenergetic Sciences, we also know that in addition to our Physical Body, we carry the ENERGY FIELD of multiple layers and dimensions complete with energy centers, nodes, chakras and meridians that control our body, glands, moods, emotions, thoughts and resulting actions. Our actions directly determine the results we get.
Either success or failure.
Controlling our present
Modern Mind Sciences have also established that our active memories from the past can continue to trigger patterns of behavior in our present life that can be the cause of our problems.
All PROBLEMS we see in front of us are our own BLOCKS to achieving success. These BLOCKS are WITHIN US. In our ENERGY FIELD.
Clearing our own BLOCKS will clear our PROBLEMS away.
So, what are these BLOCKS?
So there are 3 things that happen to us at the deepest levels.
All the 3 issues below are the “Core Issues” that prevent us from achieving our true potential resulting in failed health, relationships and success.
Active, negative emotions from our past act as “blocks” holding us back from achieving what we desire.
Active, negative thought forms or patterns of behavior coming from our past experiences act as repetitive “programs” making us behave in ways that are counter-productive to what we desire.
Sometimes, we soak up negative energies from our external environments due to our low state when we are sick, depressed or stressed or due to factors beyond our control.
These “Blocks”, “Programs” and “External Influences” remain present and active within our Energy Field.
These “core issues” have been described in various fields of sciences as Subconscious thoughts, Genetic, Cellular or Body Memory.
In metaphysical terminology, these have been referred to as the “Soul Records” or “Akashik Records”. But they all imply the same.
So, how do we clear these Blocks, Programs
and External Influences?
The B&C Miracle Method © is a powerful, energy transformation technique to “CLEAR” negative issues within the Human Energy Field and thereby clear “Life’s Problems”. Fast.
The B&C Miracle Method © practitioner can undertake the most elaborate and comprehensive scanning of the Human Energy Field to identify with surgical precision all the active “Blocks”, “Programs” and “External Influences” negatively affecting the person’s success.
With cutting-edge, Quantum Energy techniques and protocols, the B&C Miracle Method ©practitioner can neutralize and “switch-off” the negative charges on the past memories, thereby “clearing” them.
This instantly changes the person’s present course of thoughts, emotions and actions leading to success by eliminating the “problem” he or she carried for so long.
How many sessions will I need ?
2 sessions can produce spectacular results in many cases. Some other cases may require 3 or more, depending on the problem.
Your B&C Miracle Method © practitioner will assess your case and advise you.
The objective of this technique is to bring about amazing shifts in the shortest amount of time with the least number of sessions.
Each session brings about dramatic shifts beyond one’s wildest expectations.
How long is a session ?
1 to 2 hours is what it takes for a session.
What’s involved in a session ?
- After you submit your online request for a session, you will be contacted for a discussion to understand your case.
- Your practitioner will take your final INTENTION that you wish to achieve or the PROBLEM you wish to eliminate.
- The number of sessions you will require will be estimated.
- Dates will be finalized for undertaking your sessions.
- For extreme pain or emergency cases, every effort will be made to accommodate you.
- When the session is being done, you DO NOT need to do anything. Just do what you would normally do.
- Upon completion of the session, a detailed report listing out all your negative emotions that were holding you back will be provided with sufficient explanation for you to become more aware of the issue.
- In many cases, almost immediately, you will experience a huge shift especially in the case of PAIN.
- In other cases, it takes a while for the new energies to settle and bring about the shift.
- For problems other than physical conditions, you will begin to experience shifts in events, your behavior and other’s behavior towards you.
The Universe will be working in the background to bring about the changes you desire.
And, this time you will be ready to receive them.
How much will each session cost ?
Please contact us for a personal discussion.
Meet your expert

Jit Gupte
B&C Miracle Method ©
Expert Practitioner
Energy Transformation Specialist with 100’s of miraculous turnaround cases worldwide
using the amazing B&C Miracle Method ©
“We have received this lifetime to do great things and not to experience pain and sufering.
The same Universe that gave us this lifetime has also given us the tools
to make the most of it.
The B&C Miracle Method © is a gift to us from the Universe to achieve our highest potential which we are all born for but cannot accomplish.
TheProblemFreeLife IS POSSIBLE and is my vision for humanity”
Amazing Success
Each day I am completely in awe at the miraculous transformations in my clients with the
B&C Miracle Method ©.
The multitude of spectacular results I have witnessed and the lightning speed at which problems have simply vanished or good things manifested has been the sole reason for me to digress from my flourishing architectural career to a human transformation specialist.
Here are a select handful of the most unbelievable transformations
I have been able to bring about.
My 12-year-old son’s extreme eczema of 10 years.
Cleared in a few weeks with the B&C Miracle Method ©.
My property in Dubai wasn’t getting sold for 1 ½ years.
Sold in just 3 months with the B&C Miracle Method ©..
Unexplained, sudden swelling of feet.
Cleared overnight with the B&C Miracle Method ©.
My Green Card application process which usually takes 2 years.
Got approved in 9 months with the B&C Miracle Method ©.
A 3 year old’s, painful, Blocked Tear Duct.
Cleared in a few days with the B&C Miracle Method ©.
“Declared Lost” package, miraculously appears at the door in 3 weeks.
My son’s precious toy collection was lost in transit but re-appeared with the B&C Miracle Method ©. Amazing moment of unbelievable joy.
is possible in this lifetime With the
B&C Miracle Method ©

Brenda Ganwani is a natural born healer and has the ability to tap into the consciousness to get answers to bring about deep healing, manifestation and transformation.
Over a decade ago, a single step into spirituality, Brenda experienced a Reiki class, now a giant leap forward, Brenda has acquired a vast set of tools that she constantly uses.
She is the Founder of The B&C Miracle Method ©, Reiki Master, Life Alignment Teacher, SRT Consultant, Access Bars Practitioner, Energetic Facelift Practitioner and Soul Healer Teacher.

Charu Mathur is a gifted Holistic Healing practitioner, trained in a variety of healing modalities.
As very gifted healer trained in Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Spiritual Restructuring (SpR), Theta Healing and Reiki, she has transformed many lives over the years.
She works with children, adults and couples who take charge of their lives and grow on their spiritual and emotional paths. Guided by her intuition,
She accesses her client’s Akashic Records through SRT.
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B&C Miracle Method © launching soon
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